International Mother Language Day

Time 03/03/2016 11:00am 03/03/2016 2:30pm
Location Galaxy Room, UTD


Over 6500 languages is spoken all around the world and during this special day BSO celebrates the right of people to defend their mother tongue. The movement first began in 1952, with a student demonstration in Dhaka, Bangladesh and was recognized internationally by UNESCO in 1999.

This year, the Bangladeshi Student Organization worked in collaboration with the Nepalease Student Association to celebrate and showcase the beautiful and influential languages and cultures Bangladesh, Nepal, and the world! We shared the inspiring history of the birth of Bangladesh from language movement to liberation and showed the influence of the Nepalease language throughout its region. Also, several other countries were represented! There were performances from Turkey, Mexico and China! We had dance, songs, and presentations depicting the importance of not only the Bangladeshi Language Movement, but the beautiful languages and cultures all around the world.

Traditional Bengali food and snacks were served at the event. This luncheon was meant to be not only educational but a display of wonderful, influential languages and cultures around the world and on campus.